Photoshop TagBrush

Artist Statement


 The logo that I’m reusing for my Tagbrush project in Photoshop is the sunflower logo. In the Photoshop app, I added some new techniques to give the logo a complete, new makeover. 


The picture was originally used for a past project, where I drew a sunflower to be drawn on my forehead as my personal logo. As I have mentioned before, the sunflower resonates with the qualities and values I have. Sunflowers are associated with happiness, bubbliness, and sunshine. Most of the time, I get told that I remind others of sunflowers because of how I am. These are traits that I wish to portray when I’m around my friends and family, therefore I decided that this specific flower would symbolize who I am as a person. 


In the Photoshop app, while learning to use new tools, I changed the logo. In this version, the sunflower has a grungier, street vibe due to the new brushes I used. With this makeover, the sunflower has a new meaning. I believe this technique transforms the sunflower into something completely different, representing how life impacts the sunflower but it keeps being beautiful, just in a new way. I feel like this most of the time, as if some things happen to try to take away that happiness but we learn to deal with problems and keep going and progressing. 


Therefore, the new look demonstrates how the sunflower grows and changes through life. The colors in the picture do not really give a new meaning. However, the colors are bright and pretty to demonstrate that the flower can stay beautiful through it all.  


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