
Artist Statement:

            The artwork I created recently is a drawing on the app, Adobe Illustrator. This piece consists of an airplane flying over the world, where some land and water can be seen. I designed this specific work to represent what I wish for my future in the next 20 years.  

            The plane works as a symbol that represents how I wish to travel in the future and explore places I haven’t before. In my 18 years on this Earth, I have only travelled from my home country, Puerto Rico, to the states. Sadly, I have never seen other continents like Europe, South America or Asia. All my life I have dreamed of going to different places like Italy, Greece, Spain and even Turkey. I created the work to make that dream into an image that can inspire me to achieve this goal in my future. 

            The overall vision of the plane is how far I want to go in life. Not only does it represent travelling, but it also represents how to grow and gain more things. With travelling, many aspects like knowledge, curiosity and adventure will be gained. Through these experiences, I will learn about new cultures and things I have yet to know about. This image is inspired by that idea, to take flight in life and find more beauty out there. 

When I was little, my grandmother always told me about how I should be like her one day and see the world. Due to this, my inspiration isn’t another drawing, but my grandmother, she is my biggest inspiration for this project. Therefore, the drawing of the world was included to symbolize the discoveries I wish to unlock as she once did. I believe that using the letter in the drawing gave it a more personal detail and new technique. It gave more life to the project and inspired me to continue working on it with passion until the end. 

Therefore, the plane drawing was the perfect representation of my future plans. 

Which tools I used?

    -The tools that I mostly used were Type on path tool, the Pen tool and the Text tool.


    -The drawing was self inspired but the idea on how to sketch the plane came from the                 Internet.

Letter to my future self:

Hello, I hope all is well. By now, 20 years have passed, meaning that you are probably 38 years old. Life must be different from what it is today while I am 18. I imagine many things must have changed like your physique, your thoughts and maybe even your beliefs. Now that you are older, life seems different from when you were a kid in college. I assume that your responsibilities have tripled and now, your priorities are different from what they once were. I hope that you are now working in public relations and love it as you once did in college. Getting that job and the position you wanted must have been hard, but I don’t doubt for one second that you were able to fulfill your dreams. You probably have more technology and apps that help you complete your work faster and a lot easier than when you used Adobe Illustrator in college. Are computers different? Can cars fly? Do cellphones still exist? I won’t know for a few years, but I hope new things have come to light. Right now, you are learning about new apps and more technology here in Tampa because of your major and all the classes you are taking. In 20 years, I hope that everything you are being taught has been useful and you have taken that information to change the industry. Even though many things in technology have probably changed, you can adjust quickly to these new modifications and benefit from them. Maybe you even changed your profession and are now doing something completely different. You have always wanted to travel the world, so Iwouldn’t be surprised if you decided to dedicate your life to that after working for a few years. You could even take your work online with you and travel to all those places you’ve dreamed of like Greece, Italy, Brazil and many others. Stay as adventurous as you are now while you are 18 and enjoy what life brings you. I hope you now have a family that loves you and live somewhere where you feel completely at home. Lastly, I hope the world has evolved in 20 years and become a better place that is more open- minded and accepting. Good luck!


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