Photoshop TagBrush
Artist Statement The logo that I’m reusing for my Tagbrush project in Photoshop is the sunflower logo. In the Photoshop app, I added some new techniques to give the logo a complete, new makeover. The picture was originally used for a past project, where I drew a sunflower to be drawn on my forehead as my personal logo. As I have mentioned before, the sunflower resonates with the qualities and values I have. Sunflowers are associated with happiness, bubbliness, and sunshine. Most of the time, I get told that I remind others of sunflowers because of how I am. These are traits that I wish to portray when I’m around my friends and family, therefore I decided that this specific flower would symbolize who I am as a person. In the Photoshop app, while learning to use new tools, I changed the logo. In this version, the sunflower has a grungier, street vibe due to the new brushes I used. With this makeover, the sunflower has a new meaning. I believe this te...